söndag 20 september 2009

Oh, right... My last day on the frontpage at Modepass. Kinda sad.
Stalins Kossor and Tush Magazine
Idag; Jobb, jobb!
började fundera på varför ingen affär säljer Tush längre... har inte sett den i någon hylla på länge
åkte hem
gick till E
gick hem
läste en bok
designade skor och kläder till FOG-kursen i skolan

Today; Went to work
wondered why no shop sells Tush anymore, haven't seen it for a while in any store.
went home from work
went to E's place
went home
read a book
designed some shoes and clothes for the homework.

lördag 19 september 2009

Oh I want them so bad!

torsdag 17 september 2009

O i min klass har gjort den här fina filmen om kossan som ett Rörlig Bild-arbete. Uppsatsen är skriven av en mellanstadieelev.
A short film a guy in my class made for a study course. No subtitles though, but it's from a school essay made by some intermediate level kid that just make things up about cows. Things like the milk gets sour when a thunderstorm gets started, that a cow has 7 sides; upper, lower, the front, the back, one side, the other side and the inside. When the cow is nauseous, the cheese get hole inside of itself.

onsdag 16 september 2009

Myselimys! Äntligen gick vi vill det lilla fiket som vi alltid kollat på när vi går förbi, och säger "Dit måste vi nån gång!" Nu gjorde i det! Man betalade vid bordet man satt vid och kvittot var handskrivet... riktigt tant-fik!
Translation; So cosy! Me and E went to a café to chill after school. Two upper middle-age women were working in the café... the house was so old and so cosy! We'll definitely go back to that place... in the centre of the city, but yet secluded. We paid by the table we sat down by and the receipt
was written by hand, what a lady-café.

tisdag 15 september 2009

Whoah... late day...

first school, then work! Well, not that hard of a work, but it's work! I went to meet up with some guys to interview them for the next edition of YOUNG in the paper... I was home again by 21.30, equals 11 hours of concentrating! I'll show you on friday ;)
HOHOHOO! Där är jag!
Style lesson by bellamoo

Fick ett mail som sa följande;
We love your page member and your content; I am pleased
to announce that our team selected your profile this
week, to join the Modepass
Good luck and see you soon

...och naturligtvis var jag tvungen att klicka in på den där franska modesidan..
OCH DÄR VAR JAG! Lite sådär.. veckans överraskning. En sån här
liten sak gör mig glad en hel vecka...

Translation; There I am! "Style lesson by bellamoo"
I got a mail (read above)... surprise of the week! I'm very glad for that little
thing, and I'll continue to be glad for a week or so, only for that, haha!
Visit modepass.com, I'll be on the frontpage for a week..

lördag 12 september 2009

sb800, you tomboy.

torsdag 10 september 2009

Haha, vi har en ny kille i klassen, Olle heter han! Check this out!

onsdag 9 september 2009

ajuste... idag är det 9/9-09.. i 17 minuter till.
translation; yeah I forgot.. it's 9/9-09 today... in 17 more minutes

paatti smithh - ppaatti smith - patti smith. Jag har lite svårigheter idag, kanske för att jag är lite trött? ...och min katt har mardrömmar.
paatti smithh - ppaatti smith - patti smith.Hah, well.. I'm having a difficulty in spelling today, or maybe I'm just a little tired? Only a little bit. ...and my cat is having nightmares.

tisdag 8 september 2009

Action in the studio
sjük, sjük, skük... eller snarare förkyld. Jag orkar verkligen inte! Kan jag inte få vara någorlunda frisk något år!
Translation; I'm having a cold.. again. Fuck, why can't I be healty just once?

måndag 7 september 2009

Well well, det var ett tag sen!

Vi hade möte igår på tidningen, och André har en nördig hobby
Translation; Oh, wow.. it has been a while!
we had a meeting for the paper last night (yes, or.. evening) and my co-worker has a nerdy hobby - aquarium fishes, which he sells and gets loads and loads of money ut of it... like a fish-gangster.